
Thursday, October 28, 2010

WOW.. Winter BUG!?

  Ok, so.... I have not updated in a while... Our entire house has been hit with the darn bug and then made it's rounds.. nearly TWICE!!!!! I am happy to say that, we are all doing much better and with the exception of suffering from allergies now, that nasty little critter is gone.. WooHoo!!!!

  I am now getting ready for a new arts and craft fair on the November 6th. I will post more info on the time and location later today.

  I hope everyone is loving this new wonderful fall weather that seems to be almost everywhere. It sure is beautiful here in San Antonio. The kids are all excited about this weekend. My oldest, Jacob can't wait to give out candy(secretly hoping there will be leftovers.. :o) and my two younger babies, Joseph(14) and Michaela(13) already have their costumes ready to go and planning with their friends on the BEST possible candy route to take...

  Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for stopping by..... I hope to be regular again now that life seems to be getting back to some sort of normalcy again......

Happy Fall Everyone!!!!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Floresville, Texas Peanut Festival

  How exciting!!!! I just spent the past two days enjoying the festivities and people at the Annual Floresille Peanut Festival in, of course.. Floresville, Texas. I want to thank all of the wonderful people who stopped by to visit and see what CTMH has to offer.

  I am happy to announce that I have drawn the TWO winners for my Door Prize. A card workshop for you and FIVE of your friends. I will be emailing personally with details and to set a date for our fun night of creating cards.

And the Winners are~

Amy Whittfield of Floresville, Texas
Sarah MacArthur of Cibolo, Texas

Congratulations!!!! To you both and I can't wait for us to get together and have some creative fun!!!!

  Happy Crafting Everyone!!!!!
