
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Surprises keep coming... 'Homecoming Mums??' and all...

  Well, September has been a month full of surprises, excitement and just plain craziness... School is back in full swing. With all of my babies in high school this year, the activities have kept on constant 'GO'... My daughter, in FFA, my boys in football.. One JV and one Varsity, we have football games two days a week with practices in between.

  With that said, my oldest tells me this past Sunday, that he needs to make a 'Homecoming Mum' for his date by this Friday. Of course, being semi new to Texas (only been here a 1 year and a half), I had no idea what he was talking about. Except that a good friend and fellow CTMH sister had posted a few pictures about a week or two prior about some flowers she had made for one of her kids.. As beautiful as they were, I did not pay them too much attention as I had other projects going on. As it turns out, 'Homecoming Mums' are all the RAGE here in Texas and have been for DECADES.. I did not know this.... :-/ I shot my friend, Kim, a message on good ole facebook and asked for help... She so kindly sent me pics of her mums in progress and I took it from there.

  So, armed with an idea and a list of supplies, I marched myself into HobbyLobby determined to leave with everything I need to make this 'mum'.... OK, 'MUMs' are so the 'THING' here that there is an ENTIRE isle dedicated to making these things with special ribbons printed with high school mascots, school colors, the whole 9 yards.... BUT, of course they were sold out of everything for our school... Just our school, you could find anything and everything you needed for the other schools in our immediate area.. SO, I called Michaels before I drove out that way.. I did luck out..... 'WE' were in stock .. YES!!!!!!

  So, without me dragging out the story for another few paragraphs.. Here is our 'Mum'.. and when I say, 'WE'.. I mean, my son Jacob helped me make it from beginning to end and he is so very proud of it :-)

This one is quite tamed.He is holding up infront of the door to give an idea of the size of this thing. The idea is for them to be as BIG, as Ostentatious, and gaudy as possible... Here is a LINK to a site with pictures of others to give you an idea of just how crazy they can get and how popular they are here. Apparently, they are a status symbol? Or so I have been told....

  I could not get a very good picture. But, if you look hard at the actual mum, you can see a football helmut and since his date is captain of the tennis team, he insisted we had to add elements of her sport.. SO, there is a small tennis ball tucked up in there too... He also, insisted that one of the ribbons had the word 'tennis' on it since we could find no other bling for it.. :-) Of course, you have to have the couples names on it, so you can see those on two of the streamers.... I hope you like it... I know I am going to feel empty when he gives it to her on Friday... LOL, I almost feel like I had another child when we finished this thing :-)

  On another note... My other super surprise this month.. I found out, I was featured on Jeanette Lynton's blog on September 30th.. YAY, Me!!!!! Back in late August she had opened up a Q&A on her blog. All you had to do was ask the question and she would answer one, daily, during the month of September. If your question was featured, Jeanette would send you a stamp set of your choice. While I have yet to decide what I would like (thinking one of her exclusive sets), I am more excited at having had my question chosen and featured on her blog. Jeanette is such an inspiration.

  And to top off the month, as mentioned in my previous post... I was awarded my very FIRST Blog award. I would say with as crazy busy as September has been for me... It has definitely been a very good month, in deed. I hope you all have a Fabulous October. I will be adding some new artwork that I has been sitting on my craft desk I have been meaning to share with you all... I hope you like them....

  Until next time.. Happy crafting and feel free to leave comments... They always brighten my day...


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