
Sunday, June 12, 2011

A thought for the Day....

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” -Unknown

I hope everyone is having a relaxing, crafty weekend. I am in the process of trying to organize myself.... I found an organization system at my local Hobby Lobby and I am hoping it makes some sense from the CHAOS that is my desk area... If I am brave enough, I will share a before picture later.

I am also excited, as my husband is returning from San Salvador tonight... Granted he has only been gone about a week... But, I am ready to have him back home.. Even, if only, for a few days... He leaves for Haiti at the end of the week and then other business in S. America... For those who are wondering why in the world is he down there.. My wonderful hubby is in the Army and handles a lot of US military Customs of government property that we send down for military operations. They have to be inspected in order to return to the US. So.... He is gone from time to time.... I do not mind, really.. I would much rather have him doing that, then another tour in Iraq or Afghanistan...

Anyway, I thank you for stopping by again. I must put myself back to work, so I can get my crafting space into working order. I have so much to get done and my clock is ticking down...

I hope you all have a BLESSED Sunday....


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