
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Can it really be FIVE Years?!

   I soooo LOVE what I do, that is does not even occur to me that I am working. But, I came home to a wonderful surprise this afternoon. After spending the morning helping my friend tend to her horses, this was waiting for me in the mail.

    It is hard to believe I have been a consultant with Close to My Heart for FIVE whole years now. I so love what I do, and sharing the love of all thing paper, ink, ribbon, embellies, etc... That it does not even feel like work to me.

   Close to My Heart goes out of its way for it's consultants and customers. I have never had an issue with customer service or products that being defective... So, to have this little bit of recognition.. really means a lot.

  I had been a little down lately, as I will not be attending national convention this year.. The FIRST one I am missing since becoming a consultant.. (They are SO MUCH FUN)... But, this makes up for it.... You can bet I will be there next year though.. You can't NOT go to Disneyland!!!!!!!

  Anyway, I just wanted to share my little love from a company that I LOVE!!!!

As always... I hope you are having a crafty time..

Until Next time...

Happy Crafting~


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