
Thursday, October 28, 2010

WOW.. Winter BUG!?

  Ok, so.... I have not updated in a while... Our entire house has been hit with the darn bug and then made it's rounds.. nearly TWICE!!!!! I am happy to say that, we are all doing much better and with the exception of suffering from allergies now, that nasty little critter is gone.. WooHoo!!!!

  I am now getting ready for a new arts and craft fair on the November 6th. I will post more info on the time and location later today.

  I hope everyone is loving this new wonderful fall weather that seems to be almost everywhere. It sure is beautiful here in San Antonio. The kids are all excited about this weekend. My oldest, Jacob can't wait to give out candy(secretly hoping there will be leftovers.. :o) and my two younger babies, Joseph(14) and Michaela(13) already have their costumes ready to go and planning with their friends on the BEST possible candy route to take...

  Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for stopping by..... I hope to be regular again now that life seems to be getting back to some sort of normalcy again......

Happy Fall Everyone!!!!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Floresville, Texas Peanut Festival

  How exciting!!!! I just spent the past two days enjoying the festivities and people at the Annual Floresille Peanut Festival in, of course.. Floresville, Texas. I want to thank all of the wonderful people who stopped by to visit and see what CTMH has to offer.

  I am happy to announce that I have drawn the TWO winners for my Door Prize. A card workshop for you and FIVE of your friends. I will be emailing personally with details and to set a date for our fun night of creating cards.

And the Winners are~

Amy Whittfield of Floresville, Texas
Sarah MacArthur of Cibolo, Texas

Congratulations!!!! To you both and I can't wait for us to get together and have some creative fun!!!!

  Happy Crafting Everyone!!!!!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tri-Shutter Mini Album

  Ok, so I have been absent.. It has been pretty crazy around our house recently.. Company for two weeks, Varsity Football in Texas... CAN'T miss that, trying to get some crafting taken care of and getting ready for my first festival that is right around the corner.

  Anyway, I wanted to share with you a project I have in the works. While the body is finished, I am still trying to decide how I want to embellish it. Keep in mind, that while I am showing a Christmas version this would be GREAT for ANY special occasion.. ie.. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, Mother's Day, New Babies, etc....  I thought I had pictures to put in it. But, a few months ago my external drive fell and I lost everything on it. SO, I am going to save this one for this year's Christmas pictures. So, please keep that in mind when looking it over. I will post additional pictures when I have finished embellishing it.

  So, with any further ado... Here is my double Tri-Shutter mini album.....

  While there is a good bit of cutting, it is very easy to assemble. I will be teaching a class on this project on October 21st at 3:30.. The cost is $15. You will need to bring your scissors, paper trimmer with cutting and scoring blade, adhesive. I will provide everything else you need to finish this adorable album. 

  Class fee is due at registration and you must RSVP by October 14th, so that I may prepare enough material for the class. There is room for eight, with the possibility of me adding an additional class if I have enough interest.

  I hope you enjoyed my preview and I look forward to your feedback.

Happy Crafting~

Monday, August 30, 2010

Excited about upcoming Fall Festivals!!!!

  Ok, so no artwork for this post.. BUT, I had to share my excitement..  After moving here to San Antonio and knowing absolutely NO ONE.... I decided the BEST way to get my name out there was to find some local festivals....

  I am happy to announce that I will be vendoring at THREE separate Festivals this Fall.. With hopes of more to come. I have not had much luck finding a local customer base... SO, I am going to venture out...

  First, I will be at the Floresville, Texas Peanut Festival, October 8th-9th. Two weeks later, I am going to have a booth at the Pumpkin Festival on October 23rd, at the Good News Lutheran Church. Finally, I will be at the 'Mistletoe Marketplace Holiday Festival' on November 13th.

  With all of the excitement I am also VERY nervous... As these will be my FIRST large events PERIOD. I have yet to have an Open House, as I said earlier.. No local clientèle..... So, PLEASE.. wish me luck and if you ARE local... Come on out to visit.

  I will have a large variety of stock on hand, with 'Make & Takes', prizes, and my listings of classes and workshops to sign-up for....

  If any of my fellow CTMH sisters have any advice or ideas to share.. I would LOVE to hear from you....

Cheers to all and as always....

Happy Crafting~


Friday, August 27, 2010

CTMH 2010 Fall Winter 'Blog Hop'

  Well, the awaited time has come... The 'BLOG HOP' is now in full swing. If you arrived here from Tracy Jean's page, then you are 'HOPPING' along nicely. Please, make sure that you visit all of the blogs for beautiful artwork created by our consultants, using product from the 2010 Fall/ Winter catalog. Each blog that you visit will have a link directing you to the next blog participating in the 'HOP'. You never know what you are going to see.

  Here, you will find the link to a FULL list of the over 50 CTMH consultants participating in the 'Hop'.

  I focus more towards cards. However, I am a little upset with myself. I thought I had all of the new patterns coming out in the new catalog.. And well... I do not... I must have been thinking about the beautiful paper that I used at 2010 Convention Washington DC. So...

  My artwork will be focusing on the GORGEOUS  Fall paper, 'Olivia' and the new Christmas paper, 'Mistletoe'.

  Being this is my first 'Hop', I learned a few things... First, I need to build my photo light box for capture better pictures and Second, I need to invest in stands so that when using the handy photo light box... My projects will stand up to show you my art. Specially, when trying to stand up the circle cards. Those little guys are not very cooperative.

  Anywho, I think it is time to show you the new papers and my contributions to the 'HOP'.

  First, I decided to make a few book marks. There is nothing like sitting, all cozied up with a good book. Atleast, that is one of my favorite hobbies (second, behind crafting, of course.) in the winter. So, why not share a little crafty joy with your friends who love to read.

  I found the bookmark sleeves at ClearBags. Also, the same place I get my protective sleeves for my cards. The beautiful poinsettias on the Christmas bookmark are are part of the Mistletoe series. Level 2 assortment- Mistletoe Z1330

  This next card I call, 'Gloria'. The papers are from the 'Olivia' Level 2 Paper Pack and the stamps are from the new sets, 'Everlasting' D1440 and 'Harvest Home' C1419. I also used 3/8 Grosgrain Colonial White ribbon and the new Pearl Opaques Z1102. The opaques also come in colors, Licorice and Mocha. Using the CTMH corner rounder, I was able to create the scalloped edge.

  Now showcasing our 4 1/2 Colonial White Circle Cards, Z1352... My 'Bounty' card. This card uses the 'Harvest Home' stamp set and the Mocha Opaques Z1333. Again, this card uses the 'Olivia' paper pack.

  Finally, my Christmas card. I used the 'St. Nick' B1356 stamp set, 'Mistletoe' Level 2 paper pack, and the Pearl Opaques. I hope you enjoy. I will be adding more cards over the weekend, as I have some ideas that I am working on. So, be sure to check back.

  Now, If you have any questions on the cards and bookmarks or are interested in ordering any of these product. Feel free to contact me at my myctmh website. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Be aware though, that these new items will not be available to order until September 1st.

  Well, this is the end of my 'HOP' and would love for you to visit Debbie Carriere's blog to see what she has(HERE) created for your viewing pleasure. She ALWAYS has beautiful artwork and I only hope I can reach her level of creativity as I progress on my crafting  journey. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and hope you return. I will be posting my very FIRST 'Blog Candy' next week. You will want to return for your chance at winning great CTMH product for FREE.

  Happy Crafting~


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gift Card Envelope

  Ok, So.... I made this card a couple of months ago. There is nothing super fancy about it. But, it can be so versatile. I used this one as a sample for a 10 minute class I taught at an all day crop. The best thing about this.. is you can make 2-3 of these with only 1 sheet of double sided pattern paper and one 12x12 sheet of card stock. To be honest, I have not looked at my guide in a while, so you might even be able to get 4 out of the same amount of material. ( I was getting ready for the move here to Texas, so had a lot on my mind and needed something fairly easy, but very popular.

  I am a HUGE fan of StampTV, which is where I find a lot of my ideas. I hate to admit this, but I am not terribly creative on my own. Anyway, I found this cute little card on Gina's site and had to try one for myself. I hope you like it.

  The ribbon slides off and the card opens up. Then to close it back up, just slide the ribbon back on. I suppose you can also use the small velcro tabs that you can get at Michael's, but I just love the ribbon.

  Don't you just love how the gift card just sits right up and says, "Hi there, Here I Am'? I made this when I was in my 'Veranda' paper kick. I also made a ton of Explosion cards in this same paper. they turned out so beautiful. I will share them with you later.

  While I did not to this card, there are two areas with plenty of room for journaling or adding your own sweet sentiment to the lucky recipient.

  If you did not catch my link to the videos already. You can follow them HERE to StampTV. Be careful though, you just may become an addict, like me. :0)

  Again, Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your stay and I hope you return to see what else I have some up with to share with ya'll.

  As Always...... Happy Crafty!!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My New Tote

  Oh, I am so excited!!! I just got the email that my handmade consultant's tote is ready for shipping. I found Ann Tatum's site on the CTMH BBs a few weeks ago off of another consultant's post. I wish I could remember who made the original post... I would SO thank her for sharing this special find.

  Anyway, Ann specializes in handmade bags, totes and many other goodies.Her site Tatum Patch Designs has samples of some of the work she has created. You can email her or call and tell her what you are looking for and in what type of colors you want.. and 'POOF' she makes it for you.

  She never asked for payment before starting my tote. I got pictures this morning of the finished product  and I could not be happier. The tote fits our ODD shaped catalogs perfectly, so EVERYONE can see it. What more stylish way can you advertise, then this? I am including pictures of my piece of art and hope you love it as much as I do...

  If you would like one for yourself, make sure you visit her site, Tatum Patch Designs. You will not be disappointed. I know I can't wait to be sporting my little beauty. I will eagerly be awaiting for the USPS to deliver it...

 In the above photo you can see that she monogrammed with my initials and there was no extra charge.

 To the left is the interior. Can you say, 'Pockets Galore?' There are so many compartments to hold all of the necessary items such as the CTMH catalog, business cards, plenty of room for an agenda and calendar, not to mention room for personal items.

 If you decide to pay Ann a visit, please let her know you found her on my blog. You will not regret visiting her site.

  Thanks for sharing in my excitement. And as always....

Happy Crafting!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Craftroom Update

   So, if you have been following my posts, you know I am trying to get organized following a move from Northern NY to here, San Antonio. It has been crazy progress and I am almost finished with my crafting area. As soon as I am finished, I will share pictures of my space... Although, it is not as beautiful as some other ones you may have seen. It is quite an improvement from what I had in NY.

  Today, I am sharing the cards I made to send friends and family to share our address. While the beautiful paper is CTMH, 'Topstitch'.. I did use our rivals stampset for the stamping. I hope you like it.

  I would LOVE feedback...

  Thanks for visiting.. and as always.. Happy Crafting!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


  OK... So, I have been derelict in posting some of my artwork. Truth is... I am still putting my craftroom together from our move here to San Antonio, TX. I should be finished shortly and can get to work being creative again. I have to, since the CTMH Blog Hop is coming up this month and I need to have my art ready to share...

  What is the CTMH Blog Hop? Sooo glad you asked. Well, a bunch of fellow CTMH consultants create new art using the new products coming out in the 2010 Fall/Winter catalogs... By the way.. I have those in my hot little hands... I can't wait to share them with you all. I have to say, I do believe this is the best catalog yet. In fact, Jeanette has a brand new How-To book, Magic... Your pages will come to life with the new interactive layouts in this amazing new book. You will want to add it to your other how-to's from Jeanette. Anywho, back to the Blog Hop... If you check back for my post, you will be able to follow links that let you 'HOP' on over to other wonderfully, creative consultants blogs and view their art as well. Stay tuned for the announcement on when this great event will happen.

  Now, onto my delayed posting.. I created these cards for the swaps at the 2010 CTMH Convention in Washington DC. While I failed to keep any for myself, I did come back with some amazing swaps from other talented ladies... I guess, it was a good thing I took pictures before trading them all away. I just wish I had been more creative.. But, I was on limited time, and I was scrambling for materials that were still packed away in boxes.

  I PROMISE to give you better examples in the future... So here they are.. I hope you enjoy them...

Being an Army wife, I tend create many military and patriotic themed cards. I have to tell ya though.. my hands hurt cutting out all of those little yellow ribbons.

This next one I call my pocket full of sunshine. It just makes me happy looking at it. Nothing fancy or overly complicated, just cheerful.

The next few are just others I created hoping to give other swappers more choices.

these three are from the Cherry-O papers...

This last one is just another take on my sunshine card. made from the 'Splendor' papers.

Thank you to everyone for being patient. Now that I am getting artwork up and my craftroom almost finish, I should be more regular with my posts.

Again, thank you for stopping by and hope to see you here again soon.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Look what the Man in Brown left for me...

  How EXCITING!!! I come home today to find this box next to my front door. 'What is so special about this box?', you might be asking yourself. Well, this box contains all of the new 2010 CTMH Fall/Winter product. How wonderful is that?

  I am sorry to say though, that I can not show you what's inside.. YET. But, if you return on September 1st, you will find out. I will also have the new catalogs for those who have to have the latest and greatest that CTMH has to offer.

  Beginning next week, I will be sharing personal artwork and updating regularly with workshops, card classes and upcoming dates for opportunities to win FREE 'Blog Candy'.... And announcing the date for my Fall/Winter open house. You will  not want to miss seeing all the new product and have your chance to win free product credit and giveaways. Be sure to email me if you are in the San Antonio/ Converse, TX area and are interested in attending this 'Sure to have a Great Time' open house.

  So, stay tuned and check back often...

  Again, Thanks for stopping by. I hope you keep returning to watch as I and this blog grow.

Happy Crafting to you ALL!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Under Construction

So, I have decided to take on the project of putting together this page and am still learning the 'ins and outs' of blog design. While I can attack MySpace with gusto, for some reason I am finding this a bit confusing. It is my greatest hope that I can put together a fun and creative blog, that you will come to love and visit over and over to see what goodies I have to share.

I am open to suggestions.. Until then.. I remain 'Under Construction'
