
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Absent, yet again....

  Yes, once again.. I have been absent.. However, we had a real scare this past month... My oldest, the one who was so proud of the homecoming mum he had made for his date.. Well, he suffered a serious concussion during the homecoming game and we have been pretty busy with doctor's appointments all month long.... He is doing so much better.... He still has no memory of homecoming game... However, considering he had lost about a three year time span for about three-fours hours.. we are very happy for this small glitch...

  He still has a little ways to go before he is medically cleared. He obviously has to give up the rest of the football season and has been on the annoyed side, since his driving has been restricted... But, he does know how lucky he was and how much worse things could have turned out. The Lord was definitely watching over him that night...

  For those not aware... That same night another young man actually, lost his life from the EXACT same injury that my Jacob had received.. The scary thing is.. This young man was the same age, height, weight, position and had incurred the exact same type of hit my son took..... Both were hurt in the third quarter of their game and on both teams, the coaches viewed footage and could not figure out exactly where the 'HIT' took place. I thank the Lord each night that we were so fortunate and so blessed. At the same time, my heart and prayers go out to the family who lost their son that night.

  We go through life and hear about other's losses and never imagine that it could happen to us, until it does....

   LOVE your family, let them KNOW you love them each and EVERY day.... Be thankful for all the blessings in your life.. Because, there is always someone out there who is not as fortunate as you..

  I know this is not a creative post.. But, I just wanted to share with you how thankful I am for everyone and everything in my life... We take life for granted most of the time.....

  Go out today and enjoy the warmth of the sun, the smell of the flowers left this late in the season, the smell in the air as the seasons change, and most of all.... Hug your family and let them know how much they mean to you....

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Surprises keep coming... 'Homecoming Mums??' and all...

  Well, September has been a month full of surprises, excitement and just plain craziness... School is back in full swing. With all of my babies in high school this year, the activities have kept on constant 'GO'... My daughter, in FFA, my boys in football.. One JV and one Varsity, we have football games two days a week with practices in between.

  With that said, my oldest tells me this past Sunday, that he needs to make a 'Homecoming Mum' for his date by this Friday. Of course, being semi new to Texas (only been here a 1 year and a half), I had no idea what he was talking about. Except that a good friend and fellow CTMH sister had posted a few pictures about a week or two prior about some flowers she had made for one of her kids.. As beautiful as they were, I did not pay them too much attention as I had other projects going on. As it turns out, 'Homecoming Mums' are all the RAGE here in Texas and have been for DECADES.. I did not know this.... :-/ I shot my friend, Kim, a message on good ole facebook and asked for help... She so kindly sent me pics of her mums in progress and I took it from there.

  So, armed with an idea and a list of supplies, I marched myself into HobbyLobby determined to leave with everything I need to make this 'mum'.... OK, 'MUMs' are so the 'THING' here that there is an ENTIRE isle dedicated to making these things with special ribbons printed with high school mascots, school colors, the whole 9 yards.... BUT, of course they were sold out of everything for our school... Just our school, you could find anything and everything you needed for the other schools in our immediate area.. SO, I called Michaels before I drove out that way.. I did luck out..... 'WE' were in stock .. YES!!!!!!

  So, without me dragging out the story for another few paragraphs.. Here is our 'Mum'.. and when I say, 'WE'.. I mean, my son Jacob helped me make it from beginning to end and he is so very proud of it :-)

This one is quite tamed.He is holding up infront of the door to give an idea of the size of this thing. The idea is for them to be as BIG, as Ostentatious, and gaudy as possible... Here is a LINK to a site with pictures of others to give you an idea of just how crazy they can get and how popular they are here. Apparently, they are a status symbol? Or so I have been told....

  I could not get a very good picture. But, if you look hard at the actual mum, you can see a football helmut and since his date is captain of the tennis team, he insisted we had to add elements of her sport.. SO, there is a small tennis ball tucked up in there too... He also, insisted that one of the ribbons had the word 'tennis' on it since we could find no other bling for it.. :-) Of course, you have to have the couples names on it, so you can see those on two of the streamers.... I hope you like it... I know I am going to feel empty when he gives it to her on Friday... LOL, I almost feel like I had another child when we finished this thing :-)

  On another note... My other super surprise this month.. I found out, I was featured on Jeanette Lynton's blog on September 30th.. YAY, Me!!!!! Back in late August she had opened up a Q&A on her blog. All you had to do was ask the question and she would answer one, daily, during the month of September. If your question was featured, Jeanette would send you a stamp set of your choice. While I have yet to decide what I would like (thinking one of her exclusive sets), I am more excited at having had my question chosen and featured on her blog. Jeanette is such an inspiration.

  And to top off the month, as mentioned in my previous post... I was awarded my very FIRST Blog award. I would say with as crazy busy as September has been for me... It has definitely been a very good month, in deed. I hope you all have a Fabulous October. I will be adding some new artwork that I has been sitting on my craft desk I have been meaning to share with you all... I hope you like them....

  Until next time.. Happy crafting and feel free to leave comments... They always brighten my day...


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I am so excited and so Honored!!!!

 Imagine my surprise when I logged on this morning to find a comment, stating I have been awarded a blog award!!! My very FIRST!!!!! I honestly, never thought I would win one as there are so many other blogs out there that I feel outshine mine on so many levels....

  A good crafty friend, Gina Brandsetter, graciously chose to give this award and I am so grateful, as she has one of my most favorite blogs out there.. I do hope you take the opportunity to stop by her page. She ALWAYS has something wonderful going on and amazing crafty goodies to share.

As a recipient of the Liebster Blog award, it is my honor to choose '5' blogs with 200 or less followers that I love and deserve to this award as well. 

So, if you see your blog below, PLEASE choose FIVE of your FAVOURITE blogs with 200 or less followers and pass on this award.

Thank you ladies for all of your hard work and wonderful creations that you so graciously share with us all.

Until next Post...

Happy Crafting~


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

OCTOBER New Consultant Extravaganza!!!

  Oh, what EXCITING NEWS!!!! Close To My Heart has announced the October promotion and this is YOUR opportunity to join the CTMH family. If you have been toying with the idea and just could not make the JUMP, well OCTOBER should be the month to make that LEAP.. And CTMH has just the incentive to do so.

  During October from the 1st-31st, when you sign to be a Close To My Heart consultant, not only will you get a FABULOUS consultant kit ($99), plus tax and s/h) filled with wonderful CTMH product and all the business supplies you need to have a wonderful launch for your crafting future... You will also be able to CHOOSE an additional consultant 'Add-On' kit for FREE.. Yes, you read that right!!!! Absolutely FREE... That is up to an additional $80-$130 value, depending on which add-on you choose. You will still have the opportunity to purchase the other add-ons to expand your kit. Each add-on is priced at $40.

  So, feel free to make the leap, give me a call, send me an email with any questions you may have. I will be happy to answer any questions you have, send you more information about the CTMH opportunity, and would LOVE to welcome you to my Team and the CTMH family.

Add-On #1
Add-On #2
Add-On #3

  I can't wait to hear from you and share the CTMH opportunity with you....

Happy Crafting~
Rochelle Crawford
CTMH- Independent Consultant
(315) 523-5454

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crafty Cupcake

  So, I have been wanting to make one of these FOREVER!!!! A fellow consultant, Tresa Black, posted a video a while back showing her adorable cupcake and I had to make one of my own. I think it turned out pretty cute, If I may say so myself. While she used paper for her 'icing', chocolate' and 'whip cream', I decided to use all ribbon. She has a great tutorial for her cupcake if you would like to check it out on her blog.

  I hope you enjoy the following pictures. I will be teaching a class on this, the end of September, and hope to see you there.

Looks so yummy.. You could almost eat, But I would not suggest that... Oh wait, do I spy something.. INSIDE?

 Yep, that's right... You can give a beautiful cupcake and hide the present inside.. No need to worry about icing getting all over the place, dentist bills, or letting out that belt a notch or two... This is the BEST kind of cupcake.....well, maybe if you get a little bit of chocolate with it.... The kind without guilt and you can enjoy it all year long..... No Ants included... :-)

This one is going out to my mom... But, I have a few more in the works... Besides, I want to have one of these cuties on my desk, too....

Until my next post... Happy Crafting~


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Monday, August 29, 2011

WOW!!!! Can you say, 'BUSY SUMMER' ?

Hi, Hello, How are ya? I know, I have been absent this summer. Every time I intend to log on and post about wonderful specials and the 'goings-on' of my daily life, LIFE takes over and I forget.... So, here I am and I am happy to be back.

So, I am proud to say... I am a PROUD mother of THREE children in high school this year. This is the first in quite some time that all of my babies are in the same school... Jacob, my senior, Joseph, my sophomore, and Michaela my freshman.... Both of my boys are in football this year, Jacob-Varsity, Joseph- JV... With that said, I spend the week with practices with games Thursdays and Fridays.. You have got to LOVE football in TEXAS!!!! I LOVE every minute of it!!!! I will be sharing pictures very soon.. I am so proud of my boys...

My daughter, Michaela, has enthusiastically jumped into the FFA (Future Farmers of America). I am so excited.. She has already jumped into the world of raising Rabbits and fingers crossed she shows well in January... Because, while I ADORE cute little bunnies.. I really do not want to house any at home after the SHOW..... I just thought I would share this little tidbit.. I got quite the chuckle when she told me this... As soon as she found out she could raise bunnies... She picked a name out right away, not knowing she would need FOUR names... She will be naming one of her bunnies.... 'Sgt. Fluffles'.. YES, you read that right.... She has such a wonderful sense of humor and can't wait to see what she comes up with for the other baby bunnies...

For those of you who have stopped by, hoping for updates and posts.. THANK YOU.... I do have a few announcements to share and some artwork as well....

So, as some of you know.. I attended the Close To My Heart 2011 Convention in Anaheim, California.. Can you say, MICKEY MOUSE? Yep, we were at Disneyland and what fun we had.... So many wonderful announcements, new product, changes, artwork, friends, food and did I say, 'FUN'?

Our new Idea Book has already gone LIVE, and our most wonderful news... at least, my favorite news to share with you.. We(Close To My Heart) now have an exclusive Cricut Carttridge, Art Philosphy and, boy is it chock FULL of beautiful art, embellishments, 3D art and so MUCH MORE!!!!!

This is TRULY a wonderful cartridge, that has everything you need for any crafty project you may have in mind. You can click here to see a FULL list of everything available.

Our New Consultant Kit is now $99 plus S&H.... It is absolutely fabulous!!!! If you have ever thought about the opportunities of earning a living, staying at home and doing what you LOVE, now is the time to join my team.
Below, you will see everything included in the basic new consultant kit. AND if you are wanting, there is are expansion kits to make getting started even easier. Close To My Heart has a wonderful compensation plan, consultants get sneak peaks at upcoming specials and of course a wonderful family of other CTMH sisters who LOVE to share ideas, techniques, artwork... Don't forget Conventions!!! 2012 will be in Dallas, Texas and if you want to be there for the EXCITEMENT, New Product SNEAK PEAK, FUN, FRIENDS and so much more, contact me for details. You will NOT want to miss out.

Stay tuned, as I will be making announcements and posting the latest crafty adventures I have been working on. 

Again, THANK YOU, for stopping by and viewing my blog.. Without YOU, my blog would not be worth while....


Happy Crafting~


Sunday, June 12, 2011

A thought for the Day....

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” -Unknown

I hope everyone is having a relaxing, crafty weekend. I am in the process of trying to organize myself.... I found an organization system at my local Hobby Lobby and I am hoping it makes some sense from the CHAOS that is my desk area... If I am brave enough, I will share a before picture later.

I am also excited, as my husband is returning from San Salvador tonight... Granted he has only been gone about a week... But, I am ready to have him back home.. Even, if only, for a few days... He leaves for Haiti at the end of the week and then other business in S. America... For those who are wondering why in the world is he down there.. My wonderful hubby is in the Army and handles a lot of US military Customs of government property that we send down for military operations. They have to be inspected in order to return to the US. So.... He is gone from time to time.... I do not mind, really.. I would much rather have him doing that, then another tour in Iraq or Afghanistan...

Anyway, I thank you for stopping by again. I must put myself back to work, so I can get my crafting space into working order. I have so much to get done and my clock is ticking down...

I hope you all have a BLESSED Sunday....


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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Let's Have a Card Swap

  Ok, I have been participating in card swaps for about two years now. The original group I joined is coming to an end this month. Many of the members are military wives and are moving out of country and the rest of us have moved out of state. So, with the end of one, I would like to begin a new group...

  For those of you who are not familiar with a card swap, they are SUPER fun... Basically, it is usually a consistent group of swappers and the theme changes monthly. I would like to keep the group to no more then 16 ladies. At the moment, I have 5 signed up, so there is plenty of room. I may even consider running a second group if there is enough interest. Anywho, this is how they work. Each month there is a specific theme and you make the SAME card. So, if there are 12 girls participating, then you make 12 of the SAME card. Then, if you are local, we meet up and SWAP cards, chat crafty girlie stuff, enjoy refreshments and just enjoy being out and sharing. If you are not local and still want to participate, NO WORRIES..... All you have to do is mail in your swaps and send return postage. I will HAPPILY swap your cards for you and then you get to look forward to something wonderful in the mail. Everyone will leave with completely different cards.

  These groups are so much fun, and you ALWAYS learn new ideas and techniques. I am truly hoping this sounds like a something you would like to participate in. I am still working on the theme schedule, and would like to start with the month of July. At the moment, I am debating on the date, as it a VERY busy month. I am looking at one of these THREE dates, July 21, 22, or 23rd. Please, let me know what works best for you.

  Once the group begins, I will settle on a specific day of the month, usually like the 2nd or 3rd Thursday or Friday of a month. I am still working on that, as when school starts back..... Both of my boys play varsity football and their schedule may rule out Fridays during the football season.

  I am so looking forward to this and hearing from everyone. You REALLY should give a swap a try. The only cost to you is your time, your supplies and postage(if you are out of the area).

  Until my next post....

Happy Crafting~

P.S. you can either comment on this post if interested, or email me for more details... I will post again in about a week with an update.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

While it is kind of ironic to say, 'Happy' and 'Memorial' in the same phrase.. It is somewhat appropriate. We should celebrate all the freedoms that have been afforded us as a Nation, given to us by all those who came before us and gave the ULTIMATE sacrifice in order to defend US, Our Great Nation, and Freedom. Whith out those who who willingly put themselves in harms way, we would not be who we are.

So, while we celebrate this gift, it is important that we remember and honor those who have gone before. As a proud Army wife, I am forever GRATEFUL to those fallen service members, my husband and all those who will follow.

In honor of today, I created this card.. I hope you enjoy. You will recognize the patten as the first quilted card pattern that I tried. I changed up the colors to go for a vintage Americana theme....

GOD Bless America!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Panic attack and instructions for May 22 feature

OK, so I have two laptops.. Both pretty old, but they get the job done... Even if they run slower then a turtle.. :o) Anywho, I have been trying to log on to my blog for the past hour to no avail on the one in my craftroom. It refused to let me in and I even changed the password... Still not sure what is going on with that. So, I tried the laptop in my bedroom... BINGO!!!! Worked just fine... Now, I have to figure out what is going on with my other laptop.. Grrrr....

Anyway, on to better things. I was hoping to make this post earlier today to share how I made the card featured on May 22. It is actually VERY simple, but OH so cute.... I am including quite a few pictures, so please be patient. I hope you enjoy and I would love for everyone to start sharing their creations with me.. I LOVE to see others perspectives on different techniques....

So, without further, ado......

I have absolutely fallen in LOVE with this paper pack, Mayberry... The sad thing is, I used up the rest of this particular paper today. So, guess I will be buying another kit shortly since I have more projects in mind..

You can make three cards from ONE 12 x 12 sheet of pattern paper. In the end, you will end up with a 4 1/2 x 4 1/2 card.
To begin, you are going to cut THREE 12x4 strips from your 12x12 pattern paper.
 You are going to score on both the 4" and 8" score lines

Once you have scored your pattern paper, go ahead and fold on the score lines. Depending on which side of your pp you want to show on your card, flip the paper so that the preferred side is upside down on the table. You are then going to fold he two outer squares in on themselves and opposite of eachother, so that you see the side of the paper that is going to be apart of your card. Doing this, you are forming the pocket and door of your card.

Go ahead and use adhesive to secure your folds. You want them to be permanent. Once you have done so, you can flip your paper over so that all you see is the side you are using on your card. Also, depending on which way you would like your card to open, you will add adhesive to only along the bottom of ONE of the triangles. Once you have done so, go ahead and fold that triangle over. That becomes the pocket of your card.


You can then attach your pattern paper to your card base. You will want to choose TWO different colored pieces of cardstock. The base will measure 4 1/2x 4 1/2 and the mat will measure 4 1/4x 4 1/4. Attach your pattern paper to the mat, then cut your ribbon just long enough wrap 1/2" around both sides of the mat. Attach the ribbon to the PP and Mat BEFORE attaching to the card base.

The insert of the card measures 3 1/4x 3 3/4. You want the base to match the mat on the cover of your card and then I always use either white or colonial white card stock on the insert to either stamp a sentiment to write my message. This insert pulls out for the receiver to read, it is NOT attached to the card.

 Decorate the front however you wish. Just make sure that you have a means to secure the cover shut, as it loves to flip open. I used my spellbinders to cut out the ovals that my sentiment is stamped on and a Martha Stewart Butterfly punch that I embellished with CTMH opaque pearls and then attached with CTMH foam tape.

I hope my instructions were detailed enough, as this is my first instructional post. I look forward to your comments and input. This really is an easy card to make.
As Always.. Happy Crafting.....

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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Crafty Craziness....

Ok, so I have been pretty bust lately being crafty and getting ready for Convention in July... I am getting so antsy and can't wait for it to get here.. However, I am glad it is not yet, as I am still trying to get all of my swaps finished.. My goal is a total of 250 cards in a couple of different designs... Today I am sharing a one more that  I am working on. I hope you enjoy and share your inspirations....

This first card I made using a 4x12 sheet from CTMH's Mayberry lvl 2 paper pack. I think this set is becoming one of my favs...

The insert pulls out to write your note. Or you can add a sentiments to suite the occasion.

I welcome all comments or suggestions.
Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Crafting!!

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My May's Card Swap

Ok, I try to participate in card swap with some friends back in NY. They truly are a great bunch of crafty and creative girls and I miss meeting with them. Our little group will be coming to an end this summer, as the majority of us are military spouses and moving away. I am hoping that we can somehow continue this tradition in the future....

This month's swap theme is juvenile congratulations, god job, or way to go. I was torn, as I do not do very many juvenile cards as my babies are all almost grown now. But, I am hoping this one fits the bill.

As always, I welcome any and all feedback. With the crazy Spring/ Summer weather that has engulfed the country, I truly hope that everyone has been able to find some crafty time for themselves. And for those who have been displaced, my thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Just in case you wanted a close up....

I have to say, thank goodness there were only 9 swappers this month, as I had to cut out each of the owls. I am notorious for projects that require lot's of detailed cutting, and my hands despise me at the end of each project. But, I so love the finished look. If you have tried in the past and did not like the finished product, do NOT loose heart. IT takes plenty of practice and actually, the main trick is moving the paper as you cut instead of your cutting/scissor hand. Start off with images that are not very intricate and graduate yourself as you get comfortable. You will be amazed at what you do.

As always~

Happy Crafting

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

50% OFF New CTMH Consultant KIT?!

   Are you a Close to My Heart Addict? Well then, May is the MONTH for you!!!! How would you like to get an automatic 22% discount on your own supplies( with the opportunity to earn even more) and make Money sharing CTMH with your other Scrappy Friends? In May, you can become a CTMH consultant for only $64.50(plus tax and shipping)!!! That is a 50% discount off the normal consultant Kit and you get over $350 in business supplies and CTMH product... You will get EVERYTHING you need to get started including business supplies, wonderful Close to My Heart Product, training from CMTH's wonderful Training Academy and ME!!!

  No to mention, with the Straight To the Top program, you have the opportunity to earn an additional $100 in Free Product Credit!!! How can you go wrong with this promotion? Click HERE for more details on joining my team and learning about all that awaits you as a Close To My Heart independent consultant.

   WAIT, there's MORE!!!!!! May is National Scrapbooking MONTH!!! And to celebrate, Close to My Heart is giving you the exclusive You & Me scrapbooking kit FREE* and your New Consultant Kit at 50% off when you sign up in May! With this wonderful kit, you can make two fully embellished two-page layouts using the included instructions, papers, D-size stamp set, and accessories. The You & Me scrapbooking kit includes: 

   1 – My Acrylix® You & Me Stamp Set
   1 – 12” × 12” Colonial White Cardstock
   6 – 12” × 12” B&T Duos® Papers
   1 – 6” × 9” You & Me Irresistibles™ Chipboard Die-Cut Sheet
   1 Yard – Chocolate Stripe Ribbon
   1 Package – Opaques Mocha Adhesive Gems
   1 – Instruction Guide
Become a Close To My Heart Consultant during May and you'll save 50% off on your New Consultant Kit and get one You & Me kit for free*!
*Shipping/handling may apply. Offer valid May 1–31, 2011 only.

  I can't wait to share with you all that is wonderful with Close to My Heart and being your own boss by doing what you LOVE.... Join My Team Today!!!!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

My New quilted Card

So, after trying my hand at the first quilted card.... I decided to dig out one of my absolute favorite quilt patterns.... 'Storm at Sea'.... For the life of me.. I could not find the right quilt book and tore my craft room apart looking for it.. Then another hour trying to find the right paper.... With all of the paper I have... you would think that would have been an easy task.... NOT!!!!!

  Anyway, after I accomplished those small tasks.... Another, over 5 hours later.... after drawing up the grid pattern and cutting out too many tiny pieces to count and piecing them together....

  I created this for my absolutely Wonderful Husband for Valentines.... I hope you all enjoy it....


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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Inspiration from SCS....

  OK... I LOVE to quilt and have for quite sometime now, wanted to try my hand at combining that love with my other LOVE.. Making cards.... I found the inspiration for this card on Splitcoast Stampers... They always have such wonderful and beautiful creations on there. Anywho, when I saw the original on SCS, I had to make one for myself.

  I hope you like it as much as I had fun making it.... I welcome any and all comments.. This has inspired me to hunt down one of my all time favorite quilt patterns, 'Storm At Sea' and create a guide and card from it... As soon as I do.. I will posting it... Hopefully, by tomorrow.


Monday, January 17, 2011

P.S. My craft room Buddy

Ok, I had to share a picture of one of my Fur Babies, Jelly Belly... She follows me around everywhere... And any time I attempt to be crafty or take care of CTMH business, this is what happens.....

She insists that my lap is her personal perch.... If I am in a position that does not gain her instant access to my lap, she will paw my backside until I move and then I have to proceed with her filling up my lap.. Keep in mind she is nearly 16lbs of fluffiness.... This does not always allow for a comfortable crafting experience...

Just thought I would share my crafting assistant... :o)

My upcoming 2011 Classes & Workshop Calendar

  Whew... I have been busy... Trying to prepare all the projects and materials for the fast approaching Crop on the 29th, finally completing my calendar of events, chauffeuring the kids to friends and activities, trying to organize my craft room ( an ongoing and never ending project), and just the taking care of the everyday 'To-Dos', and trying to be diligent in keeping this blog moving and interesting....

  I hope you find today's post, specially if you are in my local area, to be an important one. I am listing my current schedule of classes and workshops. Should something be of interest to you, PLEASE contact me for more details. I can email full class details. I am hoping to find an app that I can link to this blog to make it easier to share all of my class offerings with description. If anyone can direct me to this APP, I would be most appreciative.

  So, without further delay.. My Schedule:

January 29th~ 10am-10pm ~ 12 hour Scrapbooking Crop ( call or email for details) 

February 19th & June 11th @1pm~ Note Card Set Class  ($10)

February 23rd~ 4pm ~ Sweetheart WOTG  ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

March 23rd~ 4pm~ Sophia WOTG   ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

March 30th~ 5pm ~ Treatbox Class  ($10)

April 16th~ 2pm ~ Squash Album Class  ($15)

April 20th~ 4pm ~ Mayberry WOTG ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

May 14th~ 2pm ~ Tri Shutter Album Class ( This class is NOT recommended for beginners)

May 25th~ 4pm~ Bliss WOTG   ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

June 22nd~ 4pm~ Fanfare WOTG    ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

July 27th~ 4pm~ Lucky WOTG    ($29.95 + tax/shipping)

** Some Classes may be repeated, IF enough interest is generated. I will also be adding to this schedule , so PLEASE check back often.

I am looking at setting up a card swap and am would LOVE to hear from you, if you are interested... 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12 Hour Scrapbooking Crop

OK, I was supposed to post this yesterday, but as always.. Life got the better of me... So, Here I am now... If you are in the local San Antonio, Tx area.. I truly hope you can join us. Not only will you be able to get your crafty on. But, you can meet new friends, eat til your heart content, take crafty classes, join in on the auction fun.... ALL proceeds from the Chinese auction will benefit Operation Smiles.

For those who can not wait, we will also be having our Open House to launch the new 2011 Close To My Heart Spring/ Summer Idea Book. There will be a selection of new product available for viewing and featured in the goodies bags that all registered attendees will receive... Details and class offerings can be found below.

You are Cordially Invited to our

Scrapbooking Crop

CLOSE to My Heart 2011 Spring/Summer

Catalog Reveal Day

Date: Saturday, January 29th
Time: 10am-10pm
Where: Our Savior Lutheran Fellowship Hall
11503 Vance Jackson SA,TX 78230

Come start the New Year off with a Bang and join us for our 12 hour crop!

Cost: $30 for all day (includes two meals, two $5 goodie bags, snack, drinks)
           $15 for half day (includes one meal, one $5 goodie bag, snack, drinks)

No time to crop you can still come join us for the activities throughout the day:
We will also be doing our Catalog Reveal Day -- CTMH has outdone themselves with the new BIGGER Spring/Summer Catalog!! There are MANY beautiful papers, a variety of stamps, and embellishments to complete the deal!!  You will NOT want to miss it!!!!

Classes throughout the day:                              

10:30 101 Stamping (Free)
11:30 101 Scrapbooking (free)
1:30 101 Stamping (free)
2:00 Gift Card Workshop ($4)
3:00 101 Scrapbooking (free)
4:00 Interactive Scrapbook Layout ($??)
6:30 Card Holder Class ($10)
8:30 101 Stamping (Free)
9:00 101 Scrapbooking (Free)

Other happenings:
  • “Garage sale” selling retired CTMH papers, stamps, embellishments
  • Chinese auction (buy tickets to choose which “gift bag” you want to win to benefit Operation Smiles)
  • Door prizes throughout the day
  • Find out more about future workshops and events we will be hosting 

For classes we enougrage you to pay ahead—but if we have space we can sign up that day.
To reserve your spot or any questions please contact your hostesses: (Space is LIMITED)
(315) 523-5454   (210) 343-9089

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


  SO, after a crazy busy holiday season.. I am finally getting back into a regular routine and have so MUCH to share with you. I have been busy putting together a fun and exciting new class/workshop schedule, preparing for a 12 hour crop and open house for the all NEW 2011 Close To My Heart Spring/ Summer Idea Book.. That's Right.. the New Idea Book is in my hot little hands and I already have new product on it's way. That means, I will be adding new artwork VERY soon to tease you.

  CTMH worked very hard putting together a new Idea book with all new papers, stamps, embellishments and so much more. As you may or may not know, CTMH will be launching the new catalog going from THREE catalogs a year to TWO a year.. That means, that when this catalog launches on February 1st, it will be LIVE for 6 months. With the new catalog, there will be EIGHT new paper patterns, which means EIGHT Workshops On The Go kits... Each with an exclusive stamp set, that ONLY comes with the WOTG.

  While Close To My Heart retired almost their entire line of pattern paper, the four kits from the current catalog (Magnifique, Olivia, Hooligans, and Mistletoe) are featured in the new catalog. They are the ONLY papers that were not retired. So, if you have a favorite.. You still have time to get them, while supplies last.. That is until January 31st.. When they will no longer be available for purchase.

  Don't forget that during the month of January, CTMH has put out the 'Inspirations' mini catalog. From January 1st- 31st, this mini will accompany the Fall/ Winter catalog and has SUPER specials. The mini gives you a sneak peak at what is to come in the new Spring/Summer catalog and all you have to do to unlock those deals is order the WINGS Workshop On The Go. When you do, you will be able to order ANY and ALL stamp sets featured in the mini at fabulous discounts. Better yet, there are no limits to how many stamp sets you can order.. AND is you order the WOTG + any other 4different items in the mini, you can get the Stamp of The Month for FREE.... SO, you can get the SOTM by spending as little as $50.80. How awesome is that? That sure beats the normal $100 necessary to get the SOTM for free...

  On to MORE announcements.... Very soon, I will posting new artwork for the New catalog Blog Hop.. That's right.. the blog hop is back... Check back often for more details on how to view my artwork and those of other wonderfully creative  Close To My Heart consultants... It will definitely inspire you to get your own creative juices flowing.

  For my local followers and crafters...... I am excited to announce a 12 hour Scrapbooking Crop... This is the FIRST cropping event that I am helping to put together. January 29th, join us for 12 hours of fun, crafting, eating, socializing, and growing your crafting circle of friends. I will be posting all the details later today and truly hope you feel inspired to join us. Spaces are limited and we are already half full.... PLEASE, check back later this afternoon for all the details...

  OK, I am going to close here and let this all soak in.... I look forward to posting all the wonderful upcoming events, sharing my art, and just plain posting on here....

Happy Crafting~